The Full Story
About Us
Caboolture Family History Research Group Inc. (CFHRG) moved to its present location at the Caboolture Historical Village in November 2010, exactly thirty years after its inception as the Caboolture Branch of the Genealogical Society of Queensland,
It was founded in November 1980 by half a dozen women at the home of Gloria McEwan and two of this original group have maintained continuous membership to this day. The Library and Office lived in a blue suitcase for a number of years and was expanded to include four apple boxes of books. The Society survived at the homes of several members as well as the Caboolture State School and Caboolture Kindergarten, then moving to the Old Fire Station in King Street, Caboolture in 1996 until relocating to its current home at The Caboolture Historical Village Mar 2001, so almost 45 years of continuous service to the Genealogy Community.
We can help you with your research, with global resources available on site to assist you with your genealogy and family tree research, our volunteers are dedicated to advancing your research goals and assisting in breaking down roadblocks.
We open each Monday & Friday 9.00am – 1.00pm and Wednesday 9.00am – 12 noon.
We are located inside the Caboolture Historical Village next to Bauer House at the northern end of the village.
Why not join us!
Single Membership - $50 / year (1st May - 30th April) + $10 Joining Fee
Family / Dual Membership - $60 / year (1st May - 30th April) + $10 Joining Fee
Simply send us an email and we'll send you a Membership Form.

Aims & Objectives
The aims and objectives of the Group are to assist and encourage members in their study of genealogy, heraldry, family and local history.
Our Resources
Internet Access to Global Resources
3400 Reference Books (90% are not available online)
700+ Cemetery Books
320+ CD Titles (many not available online)
Maps & Journals
Local and Interstate Published Family Histories
Original Microfiche Records & Readers (not all available online)
Monthly Newsletter
Air-Conditioned Club Rooms
Disabled Access
Friendly, helpful and knowledgeable members
1 hr Free Assisted Research Available
(email us for a digital voucher)
We offer a 1hr Free Assistance for anyone wanting help with their research or become a member and have access to our worldwide resources and members knowledge base.